About me,
Emma Lane
I have trained extensively in the US and Europe with leading educators and clinicians and am proud to be recognised as one of the UK’s leading wellbeing and lifestyle experts. I have been in the industry for over 30 years and have developed a truly holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

“I believe in wellness through education and that practitioners are obliged to teach as well as give remedies. I believe that any attempt to resolve a disease or health challenge without altering the personal processes which created the illness is an exercise is self-sabotage through disempowerment. My purpose is to educate and inform my clients so that they are responsible for their health. I support, guide and educate them along the journey to wellbeing. An individual’s level of health is a direct result of lifestyle. When a part of a person’s lifestyle does not support their wellness it must be changed to produce a different result. I know of no other more successful method which promotes health and wellbeing.”
Knowledge and experience
I am well known for my extensive knowledge of gastrointestinal health and chronic toxicity as well as the world of parasites, fungus and bacteria.
I also teach other practitioners exclusively through Integrative Health Education and frequently travel both nationally and internationally to present classes, lectures and courses.
Environmentally acquired illness
Digestive problems
Parasite, fungal and bacterial infections.
Energy and adrenal challenges
Nutrition and lifestyle coaching
Chronic toxicity
Integrated network
I have a wide and varied referral network of practitioners and specialists whom I can refer out to when necessary.
I also have the benefit of consulting from a clinic in central London where there are several practitioners all under one roof. This helps to support the integrated approach that I take in my work.
Books and publications
I am frequently asked to contribute to editorial features which appear in a variety of industry and consumer health publications and websites. As well as editorial, I am a keen teacher and have written numerous courses for other institutions as well as more recently for Integrative Health Education. I have published two e-books – Guidelines to Supplement Use Vitamins and Guidelines to Supplement Use Minerals.
ND – Naturopath
DIP NT – Naturopathic Nutritionist
AFMCP – Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice
Kalish Method of Clinical Functional Medicine
Advanced Metabolic Typing® Adviser
NES Health Certified NES Health Practitioner
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Core Course
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Advanced Master Course
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Advanced Sports Course
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) – Comprehensive Treatment Fibromyalgia
Sarah Gottfried, MD. Hormone Cure Coach
SIBO: Clinical strategies graduate – with Dr Allison Siebecker
SIBO Practitioner Masterclass with Nirala Jacobi
SIBO Treatment Protocol Practitioner Course with Nirala Jacobi
DNA Life DNAlysis Health professional
GAPS Graduate Training
Physical Education Association – Exercise & Health Studies Dip
CHEK Practitioner Level IV
CHEK Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach Level III
CHEK Golf Biomechanic
Healing Lyme & Co-Infections with Dr Richard Horrowitz and Dr Neil Nathan
Lyme Disease and Effective Use of Essential Oils with Dr Greg Lee
Mould Training Course for Medical Practitioners with Dr Jill Crista
Master Hypnotherapy Practitioner
Master NLP Practitioner
Master Time Line® Practitioner
College of Naturopathic Medicine Auricular Acupuncture
Barral Institute Abdominal Visceral Manipulation Level 1 & 2
Firstbeat Professional User (HRV)
ART Level 1 & 2 with Dr Klinghardt
FBCA Mastery Certification Training Programme
Tera-Mai Association Reiki/Seichem Master Practitioner
International College of Energy Medicine Tuning Fork Therapy Level 1 – 8
The Lotus Institute Master Face Reading Program
City & Guilds Teaching in Adult Education (Stage 1 & 2)
City & Guilds D32 & D33 – Competences in Training and Development
Practitioners Diploma in Beauty Facial Course
Royal Society of Medicine (RSM)
General Naturopathic Council (GNC)
The International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness
International Lyme & Associated Disease Society (ILADS)
Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA)
British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT)
Time Line® Association
Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (ANP)
International Sound Therapy Association (ISTA)
Complimentary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
Complementary Health Professionals (CHP)
Energize Mind Body has been awarded: Recognised Leader in Wellbeing & Lifestyle Coaching at the Alternative Medicine & Holistic Health Awards 2018