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Newsletter 21

Hope this newsletter find you well. With the silly season rapidly approaching, most people notice that their stress levels go up as Christmas draws nearer. It seems the “to-do” lists are ever growing and there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything...

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Newsletter 20

Good morning Well finally we are heading towards sunnier days and lighter evenings, this also means that we will be “springing forward” as the clocks change, which can negatively impact a person’s sleep. Sleep is impacted by the clocks changing. A study...

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Newsletter 19

Welcome to 2021, let’s hope it offers more joy than 2020! Unfortunately at this time we are in another lockdown and day to day life can be challenging and frustrating, and with this in mind the newsletter will be snippets of what I hope will be useful information...

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Newsletter 18

It’s that time of year again! Some of you love it and some not so much! I would like to add whether it’s your favourite time of year or not please remember to take care of yourself and manage the stress levels appropriately, eat optimally for your needs...

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Newsletter 17

Summer is now well and truly over, which means less sunshine, and time to boost our immune systems ready for the winter months. Something to mull over regarding the current situation Many of you may feel overwhelmed with the public health messages instilling...

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Newsletter 16

Well, the summer seems to have flown by or should I say the summer months, but we don’t seem to have had much sun in Yorkshire these past few months. With many of you travelling or about to travel I decided this month’s newsletter would be based around...

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Newsletter 15

Today I would like to give you some insight into an action that you may be required to partake in, in the current situation and would like to give you information that you can use to make your own choices in regards said action.   In order to enter...

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Newsletter 14

Good morning ladies and gents, In this newsletter you will find Indoor air quality information and recommendationsNASA household approved houseplant listA link to hospitality meets – a light-hearted and insightful podcastA link to stunning photos...

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Newsletter 13

Once again, hope this newsletter finds you well. In this newsletter you will find Behavioural health choicesFood petitionTools to help with stress and anxiety- stress relief kitAn interesting article

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