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I had been feeling extremely unwell for some time

I first heard of Emma by recommendation of a family member. At the time I first contacted Emma, I had been feeling extremely unwell for some time. So much so that I had to reduce my hours at work to part-time and seriously wondered if I could continue to work for very much longer.

Emma is very knowledgeable about her work and following her advice on diet, supplements, and exercise, the improvement is remarkable. In less than a year, I feel like Emma has given me my life back. I am now looking forward to going back to work full-time and am planning to go back to University to begin study for a Masters in September 2010. Emma’s staff are friendly and supportive and the visits to Energize have always encouraged and inspired me.

Without Emma’s care and support and that of her team, I would not have be been able to achieve such an improvement in my health and my plans for the future would not be possible. I cannot recommend her highly enough.

– Liz Yates – UK