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Suffering for many years with a debilitating back problem

After suffering for many years with a debilitating back problem and having tried physiotherapy and almost every other approach with no success, I was no longer able to participate in my favourite hobbies, gardening and walking as I was in continual pain. A friend who was training with Emma Lane at the time strongly recommended that I contact Emma as she was confident that she would be able to help me.

I was very fortunate that she managed to fit me into her very busy schedule quite quickly. She assessed me and put together a plan of action to sort out my problem and I began training with her in November 2002 at the age of 70.

As I had not been very mobile for a few years I initially found the training quite tough, but very rewarding. Over the weeks my back pain receded and with care, I began to potter about in the garden again.

Two years on at the age of 72 and thanks to Emma’s professionalism, dedication, encouragement and never-ending patience I now have a strong, pain-free back, and upright posture instead of the stoop I once had and a much more trim, toned physique.

I am now on a maintenance training programme and Emma assures me that so long as I remember to apply the techniques that she has taught me to use in everyday situations, e.g. bending and heavy lifting, I shall be able to keep my back strong and pain-free.

I am once again tending my quite large garden on my own and during the summer I walked 13.5 miles along the Cleveland Way and in November 11 miles through the Yorkshire Dales with no ill effects.

On holiday in Croatia, I was with a group of tourists visiting a local castle. The fittest of the group (myself included) climbed down a ladder to the dungeons and on being shown a display of cannon balls the young man at my side managed to lift one a couple of inches off the ground. He suggested in a very patronizing manner that I shouldn’t attempt to do the same. Using one of Emma’s well-practiced squat lifts I lifted the cannonball to waist height. The look of amazement on his face made me realise that all the training had been very worthwhile! I now have a new lease of life and when I can afford the face-lift my transformation will be complete. Thanks, Emma.

– Katherine Grieves
A very active and happy oap – UK